Masters in Architecture (M. Arch)

VESCOA offers a two-year postgraduate course in Architecture (masters in architecture – M.Arch.), recognized by the Council of Architecture (COA) and the University of Mumbai and approved by government of Maharashtra. 


Urban Design is a field that looks at the public realm, in-between and at the margins of Architecture and Planning. It provides for the present with a pulse on the past and an eye for the future. Urban Design is now.

  1. The Candidate should be an Indian National.
  2. The candidate should have passed Bachelor Degree in Architecture from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or Council of Architecture (COA) or Central or State Government approved institutions or equivalent, with at least 50 % marks (at least 45% marks in case of candidates of Backward class categories, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and persons with disability belonging to Maharashtra State only)
  3. The candidate should have obtained Non Zero Score in MAH-M. ARCH-CET 2024
  4. Any other criterion as declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Act.

The course as per University of Mumbai is divided into four semesters that are:

Semester I
Urban Design History
Theory and Methods of Urban Design
Planning Techniques and Procedure I
Compulsory Elective I
Compulsory Elective II
Landscape Design and Urban Ecology
Design Studio I

Semester II
Planting Techniques and Procedure II
Transportation and Traffic for Urban Design
Choice based Elective I
Research Methodology
Choice based Elective II
Design Studio II

Semester III
Development Finance
Urban Byelaws and Planning Legislations
Choice based Elective I
Choice Based Elective II
Urban Design III
Thesis I

Semester IV
Choice Based Elective I
Choice Based Elective II

Guest faculty members will be organised on a monthly basis from varied background and professional level to give exposure to the students Study tours will be organized every year. Study trips will be taken at Regional, National and International levels. It will be mandatory for all students to be part of the tours.

M. Arch Syllabus

VESCOA – Academic Content and Value addition

  1. Is M.Arch Degree courses offered by VESCOA recognized by University and Council of Architecture?
    • • VES College of Architecture offers 2 year M.Arch Degree course recognised by Council of Architecture , affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by Government of Maharashtra & Directorate of Technical Education .
  2. What is Eligibility of M.Arch. course?
    • The Candidate should be an Indian National.
    • The candidate should have passed Bachelor Degree in Architecture from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or Council of Architecture (COA) or Central or State Government approved institutions or equivalent, with at least 50 % marks (at least 45% marks in case of candidates of Backward class categories, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and persons with disability belonging to Maharashtra State only)
    • The candidate should have obtained Non Zero Score in MAH-M. ARCH-CET 2024
    • Any other criterion as declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Act.
  3. What is the Intake Capacity of VESCOA?
    • • VESCOA has an intake capacity of 20 students per batch.
  4. VESCOA Admission process?
    • • Complete Schedule for admission process shall be published on the website shortly.
  5. Do VESCOA have Management Quota / Institute Seat?
    • • VESCOA strictly follow the norms of NO CAPITATION FEES& NO MANAGEMENT QUATA as per VES Norms. We do not have Management Quota/ Institute level seats as all the 20 seats are surrendered (As pre VES Trust Norms) for Government admission and all admission are done through CAP round conducted by statutory Bodies.
  6. What is the procedure of VESCOA for Against Vacancy Seat after CAP round (if any vacancy seat arises)?
    • • Incase if any Vacancy arises after CAP round same shall be published in Newspaper/ VESCOA website accordingly and all admission shall be awarded strictly on merit basis as per SCET Norms.
  7. Is there any reservation quota for Sindhi Minority?
    • • VESCOA is Sindhi Minority Institute as per the Government of Maharashtra norms, 51% seats are reserved for Sindhi Minority quota & 49% for Maharashtra state and All India seats will be filled up through Cap Round conducted by Government of Maharashtra State CET Cell.
    • • Interest Sindhi Students should select the OPTION – LINGUISTIC MINORITY (SINDHI) IN CAP ROUNDwhile filling the Application forms for admission on Government of Maharashtra, State CET Cell website to acquire admission in minority quota  of VESCOA.
  8. Whether Allotments of seats to Architectural institutions is done through NATA?
    • • As per the Government of Maharashtra Norms admission to institutions are done by the SCET Cell. Highest marks in MAH-M. ARCH-CET Aptitude Test is considered for admission.
  9. What is the Infrastructure of VESCOA?
    • Infrastructure
    • • We shall be working on in-work studio method where students shall complete their work and assignments in college. Students are encouraged to use late hours of College facilities with prior permission from the Principal.
  10. What is Fees structure of M.Arch Degree course.?
    • • The fees structure of VESCOA is approved by Fees Regulating Authority for the academic year 2024-25. (Copy of Fees structure attached in Title Fees on VESCOA website with complete particulars)
  11. Do VESCOA provide loan facilities for the students?
    • • We have tie up State Bank of India for Education loan facility for VESCOA M.Arch course.( Loan sanction will be as per the rules and norms of SBI.)
  12. Is there any facilities for Fees instalments?
    • • Only after providing relevant documents of Job status of parents and approval from Principal. Incase of any query regarding the fees instalments can personally contact the Principal.
  13. Do VESCOA provide scholarships?
    • • YES, VESCOA provide Scholarship as mentioned below
      • • MAHADBT Scholarship- as per the rules of Government of Maharashtra.
      • • Suman Tulsiani Scholarship– This scholarship provided to students depending on their merit during the preceding year whose family income is below Rs. 300000/-For needy & meritorious students.
      • • VES Samarthan Scholarship & Financial Assistance
  1. College Timings: –
    • • Monday to Saturday: – 8:00am to 2:00 pm (For Lectures)
  2. Do VESCOA provide Hostel Facility to OMS Candidates?
    • • We have VES Hostel located in the HAMC, Chembur, Mumbai campus (Same campus) . The accommodation is available for boys and girls separately. It is provided on first-come-first -serve basis to students of VESCOA (Limited seats available) and for students outside Mumbai.
  3. How frequently do VESCOA arrange session of Guest lecture for Students.
    • • VESCOA organizes 10 sessions per academic Semester in form of Seminars, Workshop, Guest Lecture, Demonstration and Hand on workshop etc. for the students by Experts, Eminent academician and practising Architects.
  4. Do VESCOA Organises International Seminars?
    • • VESCOA in collaboration with ICHH (Humane Habitat) conducts an International Conference with Eminent National & International Speakers.
  5. Do VESCOA provide Site Visits/ Field Visit.
    • • We do site visit/ field visit as per the curriculum requirement.
  6. Where do VESCOA conduct Study tour as a part of curriculum.
    • • VESCOA conduct one Regional/ National (mandatory) and one International (Optional) Study Tour involving in-depth study, analysis, and documentation of sites as part of curriculum.
  7. Are any Extracurricular activities promoted at VESCOA?
    • • There are plenty of facilities and activities organized for overall personality development of Students.


Institute Code –3496
Choice Code – 3496 (03210)
Sanctioned Intake : 20 Seats
Minority Quota : 51%




Landscape Architecture is a discipline that covers the natural and man-made environments with a sense of balance and performance. Not restricted to mere open-to-sky space design, it plays a vital role in ecological terms at all scales and regions.

  1. The Candidate should be an Indian National.
  2. The candidate should have passed Bachelor Degree in Architecture from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or Council of Architecture (COA) or Central or State Government approved institutions or equivalent, with at least 50 % marks (at least 45% marks in case of candidates of Backward class categories, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and persons with disability belonging to Maharashtra State only)
  3. The candidate should have obtained Non Zero Score in MAH-M. ARCH-CET 2024
  4. Any other criterion as declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Act.

The course as per University of Mumbai is divided into four semesters that are:

Semester I
Landscape Design I
Site planning and Development Process
Earth Science I
Landscape Detailing and Engineering
Evolution of Landscape Architecture
Plant Systematises and Ecology
Elective I (Disciplinary)
Elective II (Open)

Semester II
Landscape Design II
Planting Design
Earth Sciences II
Landscape Project Implementation and Maintenance
Ecosystem Analysis and Environmental Economics
Research Methods, Representation and Writing
Elective III (Disciplinary)
Elective IV (Open)

Semester III
Landscape Design III
Landscape Conservation and Regional Planning
Landscape Resources, Commons and Values
Landscape Professional Practice and Project Management
Environmental Impact Assessment and Legislation
Elective V (External)
Elective VI (Open)

Semester IV
Landscape Design IV (Thesis)
Advanced Representation of Landscape Experience
Global Landscape Advocacy and Governance
Elective VII (Disciplinary)
Elective VIII (Open)

Guest faculty members will be organised on a monthly basis from varied background and professional level to give exposure to the students Study tours will be organized every year. Study trips will be taken at Regional, National and International levels. It will be mandatory for all students to be part of the tours.

M. Arch Syllabus

VESCOA – Academic Content and Value addition

Fees Structure for M.Arch Academic Year 2024-25 – First Year

  1. Is M.Arch Degree courses offered by VESCOA recognized by University and Council of Architecture?
    • • VES College of Architecture offers 2 year M.Arch Degree course recognised by Council of Architecture , affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by Government of Maharashtra & Directorate of Technical Education .
  2. What is Eligibility of M.Arch. course?
    • The Candidate should be an Indian National.
    • The candidate should have passed Bachelor Degree in Architecture from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or Council of Architecture (COA) or Central or State Government approved institutions or equivalent, with at least 50 % marks (at least 45% marks in case of candidates of Backward class categories, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and persons with disability belonging to Maharashtra State only)
    • The candidate should have obtained Non Zero Score in MAH-M. ARCH-CET 2024
    • Any other criterion as declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Act.
  3. What is the Intake Capacity of VESCOA?
    • • VESCOA has an intake capacity of 20 students per batch.
  4. VESCOA Admission process?
    • • Complete Schedule for admission process shall be published on the website shortly.
  5. Do VESCOA have Management Quota / Institute Seat?
    • • VESCOA strictly follow the norms of NO CAPITATION FEES& NO MANAGEMENT QUATA as per VES Norms. We do not have Management Quota/ Institute level seats as all the 20 seats are surrendered (As pre VES Trust Norms) for Government admission and all admission are done through CAP round conducted by statutory Bodies.
  6. What is the procedure of VESCOA for Against Vacancy Seat after CAP round (if any vacancy seat arises)?
    • • Incase if any Vacancy arises after CAP round same shall be published in Newspaper/ VESCOA website accordingly and all admission shall be awarded strictly on merit basis as per SCET Norms.
  7. Is there any reservation quota for Sindhi Minority?
    • • VESCOA is Sindhi Minority Institute as per the Government of Maharashtra norms, 51% seats are reserved for Sindhi Minority quota & 49% for Maharashtra state and All India seats will be filled up through Cap Round conducted by Government of Maharashtra State CET Cell.
    • • Interest Sindhi Students should select the OPTION – LINGUISTIC MINORITY (SINDHI) IN CAP ROUNDwhile filling the Application forms for admission on Government of Maharashtra, State CET Cell website to acquire admission in minority quota  of VESCOA.
  8. Whether Allotments of seats to Architectural institutions is done through NATA?
    • • As per the Government of Maharashtra Norms admission to institutions are done by the SCET Cell. Highest marks in MAH-M. ARCH-CET Aptitude Test is considered for admission.
  9. What is the Infrastructure of VESCOA?
    • Infrastructure
    • • We shall be working on in-work studio method where students shall complete their work and assignments in college. Students are encouraged to use late hours of College facilities with prior permission from the Principal.
  10. What is Fees structure of M.Arch Degree course.?
    • • The fees structure of VESCOA is approved by Fees Regulating Authority for the academic year 2024-25. (Copy of Fees structure attached in Title Fees on VESCOA website with complete particulars)
  11. Do VESCOA provide loan facilities for the students?
    • • We have tie up State Bank of India for Education loan facility for VESCOA M.Arch course.( Loan sanction will be as per the rules and norms of SBI.)
  12. Is there any facilities for Fees instalments?
    • • Only after providing relevant documents of Job status of parents and approval from Principal. Incase of any query regarding the fees instalments can personally contact the Principal.
  13. Do VESCOA provide scholarships?
    • • YES, VESCOA provide Scholarship as mentioned below
      • • MAHADBT Scholarship- as per the rules of Government of Maharashtra.
      • • Suman Tulsiani Scholarship– This scholarship provided to students depending on their merit during the preceding year whose family income is below Rs. 300000/-For needy & meritorious students.
      • • VES Samarthan Scholarship & Financial Assistance
  1. College Timings: –
    • • Monday to Saturday: – 8:00am to 2:00 pm (For Lectures)
  2. Do VESCOA provide Hostel Facility to OMS Candidates?
    • • We have VES Hostel located in the HAMC, Chembur, Mumbai campus (Same campus) . The accommodation is available for boys and girls separately. It is provided on first-come-first -serve basis to students of VESCOA (Limited seats available) and for students outside Mumbai.
  3. How frequently do VESCOA arrange session of Guest lecture for Students.
    • • VESCOA organizes 10 sessions per academic Semester in form of Seminars, Workshop, Guest Lecture, Demonstration and Hand on workshop etc. for the students by Experts, Eminent academician and practising Architects.
  4. Do VESCOA Organises International Seminars?
    • • VESCOA in collaboration with ICHH (Humane Habitat) conducts an International Conference with Eminent National & International Speakers.
  5. Do VESCOA provide Site Visits/ Field Visit.
    • • We do site visit/ field visit as per the curriculum requirement.
  6. Where do VESCOA conduct Study tour as a part of curriculum.
    • • VESCOA conduct one Regional/ National (mandatory) and one International (Optional) Study Tour involving in-depth study, analysis, and documentation of sites as part of curriculum.
  7. Are any Extracurricular activities promoted at VESCOA?
    • • There are plenty of facilities and activities organized for overall personality development of Students.


Institute Code –3496
Choice Code – 3496 (03210)
Sanctioned Intake : 20 Seats
Minority Quota : 51%



Vivekanand Education Society (VES) runs 26 institutions in the vicinity of Chembur. The Society’s aim is to impart quality education to all including the economically backward classes thereby playing an important role in the progress of our country, vision of Shri Hashu Advaniji, a great social worker.

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