Today is National Education Day: Innovative learning for a sustainable future



The VES College of Architecture is focused towards developing socio-cultural, environmental, technological, aesthetic & philosophical values in Architectural education. Creating a favourable environment for learning, innovation, integration & leadership has been the key focus of the institute.

Quote for Hans India Industry Story

“On National Education Day, let’s honour the power of learning to transform lives. In our rapidly changing world, innovation in education isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. Traditional education falls short of meeting the evolving needs of a growing population. Innovative learning is the key to equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for a world where resource efficiency and sustainability are paramount. It teaches us how to lead better lives while minimizing harm to the environment. The growing global focus on sustainable design practices highlights the urgency of fostering a generation well-versed in sustainable solutions. This National Education Day let’s celebrate Innovative Learning for a Sustainable Future and recognize its pivotal role in shaping a more environmentally conscious world”.

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